Dynamics NAV - Convert a Sales Quote to a Sales Order

Learn how to convert a sales quote to a sales order in Dynamics NAV with this video!


Learn how to convert a sales quote to a sales order

When you need to convert a Sales Quote to a Sales Order in Dynamics NAV, you will firstly need to navigate to the list of Sales Quotes. To find Sales Quotes, click ‘Selling’ and ‘Sales Quotes’ from the menu. If you want to use an open Sales Quote, open the Sales Quote you want to convert and check through the quote to make sure it is accurate. If you want to create a Sales Quote, click ‘New’ from the ribbon and create the Sales Quote as normal. Click ‘Print’ from the ribbon and then ‘Preview’ - this opens a window with a digital version of the unconverted Sales Quote.

If you are happy with the quote, close the window and click ‘Make Order’ on the ribbon. Confirm through the dialogue box that opens that you want to make the Sales Quote into a Sales Order. A message will be displayed with the new Sales Order number and it will ask if you want to view the new order. If you choose ‘No’, you can instead click ‘Sales Orders’ on the menu and filter on the Sales Order number. Open the Sales Order and you can see this contains all of the details that match your Sales Quote from earlier.